
2017-06-21 15:30

 劳力士上海大师赛观赛条款 Terms and Conditions for Spectators for Shanghai ATP1000 Masters


The following terms and conditions (the "Terms"), which can help you purchase tickets and watch the Event, constitute a contract between a ticket purchaser or a ticket holder or a spectator (in view of the bearer tickets, all references to ticket purchaser or ticket holder or spectator shall be deemed to be equally applicable and interchangeable) and the Event promoter and bind upon both parties once a ticket is sold.  Please read them carefully:
1. 场馆及赛票
1. Venue and tickets
1.1 In Shanghai Qi Zhong Tennis Center (the "Venue"), which is the arena of Shanghai ATP1000 Masters, there is Center Court, Grand Stand Court 2, Court 3 and several practice courts. There can be six matches arranged in the aforesaid courts at the same time.
1.2持“中央场馆赛票”的观众可进入所有场馆观看比赛;持“2号馆赛票”的观众可进入除中央场馆外的所有场馆观看比赛;持有“全程套票”的观众可观看整个赛事期间所有场馆的所有比赛。  中央场馆以外的其它场馆均不对号入座,因此赛事主办运营方保留根据现场上座情况控制该场馆入场人数的权利。
1.2 A spectator who holds a Center Court ticket has access to all the other courts; a spectator who holds a Grand Stand Court 2 ticket has access to all the other courts except for Center Court. A spectator who holds series tickets has access to all the courts during the whole Event. Seats in the courts other than Center Court are not reserved or numbered; therefore, the Event promoter reserves the right to restrict the entrance of spectators to the aforesaid courts according to the attendance practically.
1.3 Students (full-time) and wheelchair spectators shall subject to the special terms and conditions for tickets which will be published every year.  Children are admitted full-price.
2. 购票及配送
2. Ticket purchasing and dispatching
2.1 As soon as a ticket is sold, Event promoter will not accept any request to refund, change, replace and re-issue it under any circumstance. Tickets shall be obtained through the channel designated by Event promoter. Any transference or resale of tickets for profit purpose will not be protected by laws and ticket purchasers are at the risk of getting counterfeit, stolen or used tickets which result in being refused to enter or expelled from the Venue.
Therefore, the Event promoter shall not take the legal responsibility to guarantee the validity of these tickets mentioned above.
2.2 The payment generated will include the ticket price and the relevant fess such as the ticket purchasing or booking fee and the delivery fee according to the purchasing or booking channel used (see Ticket Information published and updated every year).  The above-mentioned fees are separate and shall be paid by ticket purchasers.  Except the ticket price, which shall be charged by the Event promoter, other fees will be charged by the Event promoter on behalf of the service provider, or ticket purchaser can pay the service provider directly.
In case of payment in foreign currency, the final price in foreign currency shall be equivalent to that in RMB, which shall be converted at the actual transaction exchange rate published by the bank of settlement on the date of payment.
2.3 上海ATP1000大师赛指定票务渠道:
2.3 The designated ticket purchasing channels for Shanghai ATP1000 Masters are as follows:
※网络购票:官方票务网站 www.atp1000.cn、英文:www.atp1000.com 相关链接或银联官方旗舰店 。支付方式:信用卡或借记卡。
※Online channel: Official ticket booking website: www.atp1000.cn; Official Event website:  www.atp1000.com; Official flagship store: unionpay.  A payment through credit cards or bank cards is acceptable.
※Telephone channel: Hotline: +86-21-. Office hours: 9 a.m.–5 p.m., 5 days a week. A payment through cash, credit cards or bank cards is acceptable.
※Agents and distributors channel: The relevant information concerning to the designated official agents and distributors are available on the official website.
2.4网络及电话购票一般在购买成功后10个工作日内安排配送赛票,如果您未能在购买成功后10个工作日内收到赛票,请联系赛事运营方客服。Email: kefu@atp1000.cn 其他渠道以与代理商或现场约定为准。
2.4 For the purchase through online or telephone channel, tickets will be arranged to deliver to you within 10 working days after the payment is made. 

3. 出入场
3. Entry and exit
3.1 A spectator is admitted by ticket only. Under no circumstances shall Event promoter be responsible for replacing tickets in circumstances that include but are not limited to tickets being lost, stolen, damaged, difficult to identify or otherwise disappearing.
3.2 Once check in, a ticket will have an admission record on ticketing system. Therefore, a ticket shall only be used once by one ticket holder on the same day.
3.3 The ticket shall be kept with due care after admission for being checked again from time to time. Unless otherwise provided, any person who does not show his or her ticket shall be expelled from the Venue on the Event promoter''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s discretion.
3.4 No checking out the Venue in midstream and no re-admission, except depositing the tickets in exchange for a corresponding voucher in the designated office, proceeding with the formalities and leaving through the assigned passage in special cases. For re-admission, it is necessary to show the voucher in exchange for the ticket. Re-admission is limited to once only on the same day.
4. 赛程变化
4. Alteration of the Schedule
4.1 The Event is a knockout competition and the final draw of a day will only be scheduled until the evening of the day before that day. Ticket purchasers herein acknowledge and agree that the expectation for a certain player''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s presence in a match when purchasing tickets may not be unrealizable.
4.2 Provided that the match/Event on certain day is postponed or cancelled due to bad weather such as rainstorm, strong wind, thunder and lightening which influence the outdoor match/Event, or that the match/Event is interrupted or stopped ahead of the schedule after the commencement for any reason, ticket purchasers herein acknowledge and agree that the Event promoter will not accept any request to refund or change tickets.
4.3 The Event of a day begins at about midday. However, the timetable of matches and activities is subject to change by the Event promoter with prior announcement as needed, including but not limited to safety and publicity. (For latest information, please refer to the Event official website)
4.4 Unless otherwise the Event is officially and completely cancelled according to the pre announcement, the Event promoter will not accept any request to refund or change tickets in any form under any circumstance such as for the reason of schedule alteration. In the event that the Event is officially and completely cancelled in accordance with the announcement referred to above, the Event promoter will only be responsible for refunding a grandstand ticket payment, which limited to the value stated on its face other than complimentary tickets, tickets for exchange as enterprise resources, tickets for employees and etc., and not any other cost or loss generated under any circumstance.
5. 保障及风险
5. Security and risk
5.1 Spectators acknowledge that the Event is a mass activity and agree to be subject to all the security measures regulated by the Event promoter. All spectators shall cooperate with security personnel or other official staff in security control and showing tickets in case of entering the Venue, inspecting from time to time and etc.
5.2 The Event promoter will only provide parking lots and guide spectators to parking spaces and will not be responsible for taking delivery of and safekeeping the properties of spectators, whether in the parking lot managed or controlled by the Event Promoter inside or outside the Venue, whether free or for reward. Services provided by security personnel, such as guarding, patrolling, checking, querying and coordinating, do not include responsibility for taking delivery of and safekeeping the properties of spectators.
5.3 All the spectators entering the Venue shall be responsible for their behaviors and belongs. Spectators shall be liable for any personal injury or property damage to any third person caused for their own faults. Furthermore, in case of the aforesaid situation, the Event promoter will reserve the right to pursue relevant responsibilities.
5.4 Any additional cost, loss, absence or lateness of spectators resulting from traffic jam, regular bus delay or any other event beyond reasonable control, or any force majeure not attributable to the Event promoter shall not be compensated by the Event promoter.
5.5 在赛场内进行展示或营业的赞助商、参展商或其他第三方对自己的行为包括产品或服务的广告、宣传、售卖及售后等独立承担法律责任,运营方恕难承担担保或其他任何连带责任。
5.5 All the sponsors, exhibitors and any other third party who exhibit and/or trade in the Venue are liable for their commodities and/or services seperately including but not limited to any advertising, promotion, sales and after-sales. Spectators acknowledge that the Event promoter has not made any warranty in respect of the foregoing commodities and/or services ever and will not bear any related liability jointly and severally.
6. 禁止事项
6. Prohibitions
It is strictly prohibited as follows:
6.1 carry to the Venue and/or display in the Venue with anypublicity materials with slogans, signs or marks indicating violence, hatred, discrimination, terrorism and prejudice or publicity materials conflicting with commercial benefits of the Event.
6.2 carry weapon or animal or any inflammable, explosive, fragile and noisy object to the Venue including but not limited to fireworks and crackers, glassworks and trumpet.
6.3 gamble or bet in any form on tickets, the Event and its result.
6.4 use Laser pen, flash or any other facility or device to interfere with the Event in the Venue.
6.5 enter the Venue when a spectator is smoking or drunk or in the period of taking psychotropic medicine.
6.6 make noise in process of a match, walk around not in the specified intermission, smoke in the Venue or conduct any other behaviors which may interfere with the Event.
6.7 step into any area which is restricted to enter without prior permission.
6.8 without prior approval, sell goods and provide services (including but not limited to beverages, food, souvenirs and tickets), conduct marketing promoting or any other behavior or activity not related to the Event in the Venue.
6.9 without prior approval, use tickets, the Event name and the Event intellectual properties (including signs, logos, words, graphic images and combinations thereof, abbreviations and non-English translation, etc.) for lottery, advertising or any other commercial purpose and infringement (e.g. express or implied a connection with the Event to mislead others). Only a sponsor or a partner with prior approval may use tickets, the Event name and the Event intellectual properties for commercial purpose.
6.10 any other behavior violating laws, public morality and reputation of the Event.
7. 个人信息及知识产权等
7. Personal information and intellectual property
7.1 Spectators herein acknowledge that the Event is a public event which will be record with their voices or images appearing on television, broadcast, footage, photo or any other media. Spectators herein also agree that the Event promoter and a third party authorized may use the aforesaid footage, photos, sound recordings or any other media carrier free of any identification or compensation or infringement for any purpose.
7.2 The Event promoter may collect ticket purchasers'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' or spectators'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' personal information (including but not limited to gender, age, address, telephone number).  It is necessary for the Event promoter in arranging and coordinating grandstand seats, and carrying out surveys and promotion and marketing proposes related to the Event.  Unless ticket buyers or spectators agree to let the Event promoter releases their information or by government''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s or judiciary''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s compelling force, the Event promoter will keep spectators'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' personal information confidential when using it.
7.3 Intellectual property rights related to the Event shall receive full respected. Ticket holders hereby agree and accept as follows:
(1)Without prior written consent of the Event promoter, any kind of sound recording, photo, visual footage, audio-visual footage, data information or any other material in relation to the Event must not be used by any person for any form of advertising, publicly display, commercial purpose or any other purpose (except private entertainment). It is specifically prohibited for use on network, radio, television and any other media.
(2)Whether achieve the aforesaid consent, spectators herein agree that any intellectual property rights of the materials mentioned in Clause 7.3(1) in relation to the Event made, copied or used by them shall be transferred to the Event promoter for free immediately.
8. 违反条款
8. Violation of the Terms
Ticket purchasers herein acknowledge and agree that ticket holders or spectators may be refused to enter or expelled from the Venue without any compensation in case of violating the Terms or denying the application of the Terms.  Moreover, the Event promoter reserves the right to pursue relevant legal responsibilities.
9. 条款修改及解释
9. Amendment and explanations
Due to the limitation of the Terms, the Event promoter has the right to amend the Terms reasonably from time to time and the Terms will be updated and published through the specified ticket purchasing channels in the same time. The Terms are explained according to the laws of PRC. For detailed explanations and enquiry, please refer to the Event official website or call the ticket booking hotlines at any time.
10. 管辖权
10. Jurisdiction
All the Terms are written in Chinese and will be translated into foreign language. In case of discrepancy between different versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. Any dispute generated from the performance of the Terms shall be submitted to the court of venue where the Event is held.

Tel: 400-021-2797